The Future of Commerce with Shopify Plus

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On September the 26th, Pocket Square teamed up with Shopify Plus and launched the inaugural Future of Commerce event.

The Future of Commerce was established to give some of New Zealand & Australia’s leading retail brands the chance to learn from others throughout the evening. The evening started with some amazing speakers sharing their experiences, giving guests some inspiration for topics and talking points for the private dining experience that evening, as well as ideas they can take and work into their own business.

Our amazing speakers included Andrew Gorecki from Retail Directions in Melbourne, Travis Wright from Esther & Co in Sydney, Jo Bye from Trilogy International and Fee & Cliff from Shine On.

After hearing from our amazing speakers, everyone in the room was really excited about what the future of commerce looks like. We discussed the importance of pulling down the barriers between the marketing and eCommerce departments within companies to create unified strategies where ideas aren’t destined for either one or the other, but are executed well across all channels.

We need to ensure we’ve got a good handle on the data we’re collecting across all systems so that when we do put automation and other systems in place, we’re producing the results we want to see, not average outcomes caused by the amplification of average data running through those very systems we’ve put in place.

We should be working closer with our peers, creating meaningful relationships and partnerships with other brands and customers. Through these relationships, our customers will feel more involved in our brands and as a result, become stronger ambassadors for what we’re about.

And finally, we should be looking at how, as brands, we can add or communicate the purpose of what we’re doing, in a way that makes sense to the brand. If you can see a way that you can help people, whether it’s through charity, leadership or any other initiative, you should find a way to bring that into your brand.

We’re looking forward to hosting more Future of Commerce events over the months and years to come.


About Us: Basic to Breakthrough. Changing consumer focuses and the importance of transparent brand values.


Shopify vs Magento: Part 2 - Hosting & Infrastructure