Aspiration, Dealer Support & Global Reach

Pocket Square worked with UBCO Bikes back in 2019 to launch a world-class, global eCommerce infrastructure to drive their direct-to-consumer sales, and better support their global network of dealers.

Riding an UBCO Electric Bike is a thrill that’s hard to describe. And therein lies the challenge we faced when building UBCO’s Shopify Plus experience — how to communicate a feeling. Through compelling, supersized content, we've brought to life the joy and liberation that defines the UBCO Electric Bike.

The Problem

The original site was built using WooCommerce and had expanded over the years as the UBCO brand and product expanded. While the site had all the right content, it was still a very functional site and didn’t get people excited about the amazing product. We set out to solve that problem by creating a beautiful, functional site that gives the customer the right information at the right time.

The Solution

Pocket Square worked closely with the brand, marketing, product and sales teams to identify what customers wanted to know at each step of the journey. Someone who has just discovered UBCO wants the beautiful imagery and video content that shows what owning an UBCO bike is like. Someone who’s a little later in the journey want to know the specs; charge times, speed, weight, and road-worthiness information. And someone who is ready to buy needs to know lead times, dealer locations, and ownership information.

We sought as much information as we could, and worked to design and develop a solution that had all the right information, exactly when a customer needed it.

Using Shopify’s Online Store 2,0, the UBCO team have full control over every page, allowing it to be incredibly content-led, or more eCommerce/sales focused (or somewhere in between). The site is integrated into their inventory management system Unleashed to ensure stock, customers and sales information seamlessly passes into their IMS and fulfilment systems.

The Result

The new site experience resulted in increased direct to consumer sales, better engagement between customers and dealer network, and better brand representation in the market.

The B2C site was so good, the B2B team decided they wanted more than the basic portal Unleashed offered, so we’ve subsequently worked with the sales team to roll out a B2B portal, within the main site, so our dealers and authorised repairers can get the same great brand experience while the source products and parts.


The partnership between UBCO and Pocket Square has been a resounding success and since the launch of the B2C site, we’ve continued our work together to refine the B2C customer experience, create a B2B experience, and ensure UBCO remain up to date with Shopify’s latest and greatest.

Don’t just take our word for it..

Rockstars! Seriously, props to your entire team. You’re consistently awesome, excellent communicators and always thinking ahead. You’ve all been great to work with and made my job easy!
— Aran Eversman, Growth Marketing ManagerUBCO

Tech Stack

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Give us a few details and we’ll be in touch to arrange a time to chat. Can’t wait? Give us a call on 0800 155 055 (NZ) or 02 9190 8486 (AU).


True Kit: Storytelling & Global Expansion with Shopify Plus