

We understand that the website is only a part of the customer journey, which is why we consider the entire user journey, across all channels, and ensure all systems required to make that journey successful.

Pocket Square has a deep understanding of the importance of your ERP, Inventory Management, Accounting, Order Management and other business systems. Our single focus on Shopify Plus allows us to work deeper into the platform’s ecosystem and as a result, we’ve developed integrations to most business systems including Netsuite, Cin7, Ontempo, Retail Express, alongside countless others.

Connections & Connectors

As a general rule, we try to use out-of-the-box connectors where possible to handle the standard data movements required, only leaning on custom integration when a standard connector can’t do what we need, or can only do the core integration.

Given Shopify’s app and third-party ecosystem has over 8,000 apps and connectors, it is fair to say that most well-known business systems can connect to Shopify with relative ease. Will they work perfectly with just a few clicks? Probably not. But with us by your side, and the wealth of knowledge and experience we’ve picked up over the years, we can ensure your systems are connected as efficiently as possible, and wherever we can’t use a connector, we can build custom apps and integration components to ensure your business runs efficiently.

For other systems including Ontempo, ABM, Retail Directions and Toniq, where no ‘off the shelf’ connectors exist, we’ve opted to build our own, creating a seamless integration that simplifies internal processes, creating efficiencies and an overall better customer experience.

Systems we’ve integrated to

Curious about how Shopify Plus can connect to your system?

We’ve included some details of some of the more common connections, or feel free to get in contact to discuss how your other business systems could connect.

Let's Chat

Are you interested in working with us? Just want to know a bit more information?

Give us a few details and we’ll be in touch to arrange a time to chat. Can’t wait? Give us a call on 0800 155 055 (NZ) or 02 9190 8486 (AU).