

Pocket Square was launched to cater to the specific needs of the fashion industry, having seen that agencies at the time could not deliver a customer experience that was both on-brand and functional. We understood there was a fine line between the site looking great, and working well, and we knew how to balance that perfectly.

Now, a lot has changed since 2013 (thankfully), and it’s no longer just fashion brands that recognise the importance of brand storytelling through their digital channels. Pocket Square have continued to refine its craft and now works with B2C and B2B businesses across Australasia to get this balance right. We’ve outlined some of the brands we’ve helped across different industries below.

Fashion & Lifestyle


Beauty, Pharmaceutical & Heathcare

Food & Beverage

Vehicles, Transport & Industry

Let's Chat

Are you interested in working with us? Just want to know a bit more information?

Give us a few details and we’ll be in touch to arrange a time to chat. Can’t wait? Give us a call on 0800 155 055 (NZ) or 02 9190 8486 (AU).