The Future of B2B Retail: Embracing Digital, AI, and Personalisation
Lance O'Grady Lance O'Grady

The Future of B2B Retail: Embracing Digital, AI, and Personalisation

The business-to-business (B2B) retail landscape is constantly evolving and with the increasing pace of technological advancements, it is becoming increasingly difficult to predict what the future holds. However, based on current trends, research, and insights, it is possible to make some informed projections on what B2B retail will look like by 2030.

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"Shopify can't do that"
Tim McFarlane Tim McFarlane

"Shopify can't do that"

These are the words that we see written in articles or uttered by businesses we're speaking to all the time. But is it actually true?

As a Shopify Plus partner with over 7 years experience with the platform, we thought we would weigh in on this and provide some of our thoughts on this much stated argument.

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Magento 2 to Shopify Plus. What’s involved and why should I consider it?
Tim McFarlane Tim McFarlane

Magento 2 to Shopify Plus. What’s involved and why should I consider it?

Looking to understand the process of moving from Magento 2 (or Magento 1 for that matter) to Shopify Plus? We explore the reasons why merchants are making the change, as well as some of the key considerations to look out for when determining if the change is right for you.

As a former Magento Certified Development agency, managing more than $100 million of client revenue through the platform, we know the ins and outs of the platform and the types of businesses it suits (and doesn’t). Read on to find out more.

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Pandemic Playbook: Some strategies to help you through the Covid-19 Shutdown
Lance O'Grady Lance O'Grady

Pandemic Playbook: Some strategies to help you through the Covid-19 Shutdown

6 months ago you wouldn't have believed someone explaining our current scenario, and yet here we are. The pressure on businesses, teams, logistics, product design and sourcing, and most importantly sales, is unlike anything most have been through before, at least in recent memory.

Last week we partnered with Shopify for the second instalment of our Future of Commerce event series (virtually, of course) to open up the discussion between retail businesses in Asia Pacific about how everyone is strategically repositioning in light of the pandemic.

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Go with the Flow: What is Shopify Flow, and how can it change your business?
Lance O'Grady Lance O'Grady

Go with the Flow: What is Shopify Flow, and how can it change your business?

This week we’re looking at Shopify Plus tool called Shopify Flow; what it is, how to use it, and what to expect as benefits to your business.

For those not familiar, Shopify Flow is an automated workflow tool, which when set up correctly, can drastically influence how much of your team’s precious time is being spent on repetitive yet time-consuming tasks. It is available to all businesses on Shopify Plus, and is in Shopify App store if you haven’t checked it out already! The workflows can be simple or complex, but in essence consists of a trigger, conditions, and an action.

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Lance O'Grady Lance O'Grady

The importance of integration in creating a cohesive customer experience

eCommerce has always been the channel left standing outside in the cold. The capabilities and connectability of ERP, Inventory Management and POS systems have led the majority of business decisions since day one. In most businesses, these systems were there first, and as a result, they housed the majority of the data any business had. There are some truly awful ERP systems out there, and even though the brand may loathe said system, they stick with it because they know it’ll be too difficult to migrate away. This would be fine if those systems operated in isolation, but they don’t. The rise of eCommerce and the expectations customers have of retail are forcing brands to rethink how they best serve customers and give them an experience that will stand out from their competitors.

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About Us: Basic to Breakthrough. Changing consumer focuses and the importance of transparent brand values.
Lance O'Grady Lance O'Grady

About Us: Basic to Breakthrough. Changing consumer focuses and the importance of transparent brand values.

Let’s get the obvious question out of the way first; what do we mean by About page? The names may differ, you might find it in the navigation or in the footer, it may be linked from your instagram account or not, it could be short, long, or somewhere in between, but these landing pages are all joined by a purpose. The purpose of this essential page is to educate all potential and existing customers, wholesalers and even competitors about the background and values that underpin the business, brand or retailer. About Us, Our Story, Who We Are, you know the one we’re referring to. They’re pretty straightforward, right? Well, based on how often we get asked to review these pages, it would seem not so much. But where and why do they go wrong? More importantly, where do you sit on the scale of basic to breakthrough?

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